I was in Budapest for a whirlwind three days for the Domjan 100 Symposium and my grandmother, Evelyn, must have been so excited. A member of Parliament came out in the cold and rain to affix a plaque in Köbánya to mark the house where my grandfather lived for twenty seven years. And this is the roof of Szent László templom, the church where my (evidently very devout) great grandmother attended mass every single day. All kinds of buildings are decorated with the wonderfully colorful Zsolnay ceramic tile and László has a porcelain alter inside as well. We had a birthday party for Evelyn that afternoon at the famous Cafe Gerbeaud and she told us how people used to sit all day in the cafe, drinking coffee and talking. She and her mother would eat pastries here on special occasions when she was a child. Mmm, eszterházy torte. We also took a trip to Sárospatak, an adorable town outside of Budapest. There was a small church and a castle belonging to the family Rákóczi.
Off is out, out is up, up is back, on is in, in is down, down is forward, left is right, right is left, and everyone works at a strike. Shut up still means shut up.
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