In is down, down is front

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Okay, okay. All the naysaying stagehands turned out to be wrong. We deserve a designer's preemptory swat. Two good ideas that had potentially devastating consequences were carried off without a hitch and with aplomb in this year's Fashion Week.

As related to me by some fellow workers, the blue candy filling Marc Jacob's (insanely gorgeous) Armory show was poured out two (TWO!) days before showtime. We were convinced that the roaches and rats of New York would pour, pied piper style, into the venue and devour the mountain of sugar that was waiting to rot mouse molar. Instead not a single model tripped over a rodent, not a single audience member ran screaming from a roach infestation. The show looked great and got a seven photo spread in the NY Times metro section. Slap slap.

And over at Y3 the runway design called for several conveyer belts running at different speeds and in different directions. Now, models have a tough job. They have to walk into a new place that was built from something akin to very expensive spit and glue, figure out how the runway works and get through it several times without falling over, hurting the wardrobe, or looking anything less than stunning, possibly all while high on coke, heroin, or both. By adding moving pieces of machinery we stagehands had concoted this fantastic image of model pileups and blood smeared across the catwalk by the end of the show. "It'll be like the last scene of Carrie!" one stagehand predicted. When the lighting designer(s) came in to focus DK's show in the morning, everyone gathered around him asking "How'd Y3 go? Was it a total disaster?" Nope, total success. More falling happened when one unnamed fashion maven polished his catwalk with bowling alley wax. Slap slap.

I'm still waiting for the model trainwreck. Maybe next year...


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