In is down, down is front

Friday, June 16, 2006

Tim took me to New Haven to tour the crazy Gothic Yale architecture, drink at the Yale-memorabilia adorned bars, and get absolutely drenched by the horrible weather on the way home. We had an excellent time. In true New Haven style, we ate at Sally's Apizza (because in New Haven "pizza" doesn't use enough letters), site of an infamous pizza turf war. Pepe's is right next door and BOY, do pizza freaks ever get into it about who makes a better slice. And on a nighttime tour of the campus we wandered into the enormous Yale library to marvel at the card catalogue that takes up the entire first floor. Yup, everyone one of those shelves in that picture is an apothecarian rat's nest of old skool Dewey Decimal. Awesome.

I bought a bike to enjoy the good weather that finally graced New York and three days ago, I crashed it. I was riding down a hill coming off the Brooklyn Bridge and went over some bumps and hit the front brake and went flying head first into the asphalt. I've got some awesome road rash and my bike seat got all bent from doing a lovely arcing 180 over my head and landing, seat first, on the ground at like 20 miles an hour. Oh yeah, I'm totally rocking the "I just got beat up by machinery" look right now.

Many celebrations are in order: Mike P made it through law school, Bonnie made it through med school, my sister made it through college, and Trisha is officially engaged to be married to Spencer! It's almost like we're growing up or something. :) Congratulations all around!

I just got back from a play that Doug from Colorado is workshopping in Tribeca right now called Game Boys. It's an excellent script, full of wit and charm and frighteningly sick, dark humor about a pair of boys who accidentally tick off the Russian mafia and end up betting on the Iraq War bodycount. Totally twisted and just may be coming to a Los Angeles theater near you.


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